Batman Beyond On The Big Screen

Batman Beyond aired in 1999 and was the perfect continuation of Batman: The Animated Series. Batman Beyond's two-part pilot episode “Rebirth”, takes place Twenty years after the events of Batman: The Animated Series where we find an older Bruce Wayne is forced to hang up the cowl due to his declining health and retires from crime-fighting.

Crime in Gotham is worse than ever, and the city itself has largely fallen under the influence of Derek Powers, the new CEO of Wayne's former company. In a chance occurrence, Bruce meets a teenager named Terry McGinnis, who shares his passion for justice and inadvertently discovers his past secret identity as Batman and eventually takes over the mantle.


During Justice League Unlimited second season finale "Epilogue", it tied together and continued some plot points from Batman Beyond. When Bruce Wayne was suffering kidney failure and needed a tissue donor to clone new organs, Terry was tested and found to be perfectly compatible. Surprised, Terry had his DNA checked and was found to be Bruce's genetic son.

Seriously, that story is amazing and makes a great live action movie the fans want to see. Why it never came to fruition is unknown. There were talks back in 2000 about making a Batman Beyond movie, but nothing ever came of it. Let’s hope DCU gets it together and starts giving the fans more of what they want. I love Batman on the big screen, but I’m even getting tired of the reboots. We need something fresh, new, up to date, we need Batman Beyond!

Ryan Arey from ScreenCrush has an excellent pitch for a Batman Beyond movie well worth checking out. Click here to watch the full video

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